FINAL STRATEGY FOR JEE MAINS 2021 (Last minute important tips-- MUST for all)

Hello friends!! In this post, I am sharing few last minute important tips for JEE MAINS 2021 which will surely help u in increasing ur score :


First of all, solve paper in multiple rounds. I am sharing the paper-solving strategy which I used to follow in my JEE exams. I used to solve paper in 3 rounds:

ROUND 1 : For each problem, read ques carefully, then give 10–20 seconds to think about concepts involved in the question & how u can solve it….

After 10–20 seconds,

If something doesn’t click  Leave question for 2nd round & move to the next question. Do not get demotivated at this point. When u will go through other ques, ur mind will start working & it is highly probable that u can solve it in 2nd round.

But do not spend more than 20 seconds on a question in round 1 if nothing clicked u!!

If something clicks → Don’t begin question randomly . First of all, make a strategy as how u will proceed. Then , solve the question.

Once u get answer, Don’t be in hurry of marking a option & committing a silly mistake.

Rather, Read question once again(atleast last line) - so as to find 1.What is being asked in question?

Then see, 2.What u have found? (Like in numerical type ques, if u are asked the value of (5*n) & u might write value of as answer in hurry & lose 5 marks )

3. See all options.

4. See Units. (Most of students lose their marks because of silly mistake in marking option with wrong units)

Then move to next ques. (All these things won’t take much time but will ensure that u are not committing a silly mistake.)

Also, there might be few ques (especially in chem) , where u have confusion in 2 options ——- leave all those ques for 3rd round.

Try to finish Round 1 in 2 hr or 2hr 15min


Now, as u have gone thru lot of ques, probability of solving a ques which u have left earlier has increased. So, now patiently think over each ques & try to solve it.

If u feel there is some confusion in 2 options, then leave them for Round 3

Try to finish Round 2 by 30–40 min…..


Now, this round is only for selecting the best option out of 2 . So, think carefully & go thru whatever u have studied in past 2 years, & make an intelligent guess!!

After Round 3, if u have 4–5 minutes remaining, then go thru the questions which u have left in Round 2 & try to solve them.

Some general tips :

  • Don’t be too much nervous . It is just an exam & nothing beyond it… Be light & calm. U have 3 more attempts so be as normal as possible.
  • Be careful to take admit card & all other necessary stuff with u. Don’t be careless at this point.
  • Be sure to take a good sleep of atleast 7 hours before ur exams. Try to have proper breakfast before ur exam (in case of morning shift) & lunch (in case of afternoon shift). But don’t overeat — as u might sleep in exam!!
  • Try to minimise ur study one day before exams. Just revise formulas or solve few questions & try to be as calm & cool as possible.

Hope this will help u !!


Thanx for reading till now!!

If u get any benefit from this strategy, kindly inform me in comments after ur exam…..


  1. Thank you bro I read your post today after exam. But i will follow this method in my upcoming mock test and Jee mains. Thank you once again

  2. Hello Shivansh, after we complete one book how often should we revise the marked questions ?

    1. Atleast 2-3 times....
      After it, the best thing is that whenever u look on ur marked ques, just discuss it's approach with urself & if u feel there is need of solving it, then u can solve it..


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