For Physics :

  • HC VERMA (for theory & solved examples)
  • Cengage series ( this is best series of books which are solely made as per JEE Adv level!! )
  • Irodov ( selected questions which are JEE relevant)
  • NCERT textbook ( do not begin with it but study them after your syllabus is finished before JEE MAINS).
All above mentioned books are sufficient for you to get a rank under 100 in JEE Advanced. In case you have solved all above mentioned books & want some more questions..... , I am suggesting some good sources also!!
  • Problems in JEE ADVANCED 1st edition  - By Shashi Bushan Tiwari(Only Level 2&3)
  • Problems in JEE ADVANCED 2nd edition  - By Shashi Bushan Tiwari(Only Level 2&3)
  • Learn Mechanics through problems - By Ajit Agrawal (Only Subjective problems)
  • Learn Optics through problems - By Ajit Agrawal (Only Subjective problems)

Now , I will tell you how to use these books & how I had used them!

I had joined Vibrant Academy, Kota after my class 10. Initially , I was not aware of many books & my sister recommend me to start with HCV. HCV is best book for beginners as it give the REAL FEELING of Physics!!

Later on , i also studied from DC pandey. Its theory is not very interesting & appealing . In beginning of class 12 , i became aware of Cengage & I started optics through it . It was really an amazing book!! Many topics & cases (which are not discussed in HCV & other ordinary books) are thoroughly explanied in it.

After then , I only studied from Cengage books. During August , when load of coaching was smaller , i also purchased Cengage of Mechanics 2 & it was very nice!!!

Now for IRODOV😰…

Most students have great fear of this book & I was also one among them😅

In class 11 , when my teacher gave HW from this book, I didn't even attempt it!!!(as i was much feared…)

But later on , questions begin to get solved by me as time passed … (in class 12). Later on , I realised why this happen??

It happened because initially I was solving only HCV + coaching material (whose questions were not of very great level), so i was feared of Irodov. But when I started solving cengage (questions of good level) , I also get courage to solve irodov problems …

So , from all my experience, I would like to suggest all JEE aspirant that Do not get demotivated if you are unable to solve difficult questions.. As we grow up, our mind also develops and soon we find comfortable with difficult situations in life!! Also , try to begin with little difficult books so that your way of thinking/ability to approach a question enhances.

You will find Cengage books have a lot of questions . So, just solved all illustrations + Concept Application exercise + solved examples (besides them there will about 100 in each chapter which u can leave- i have also done the same).

Thanx for reading till now!!

Hope it will help you!



  1. Which books of Cengage did you buy? All of them or only the mentioned two books?

    1. I have used all except Optics & Waves. But u can also solve them...

    2. But Cengage has Optics and modern physics in one book and you wrote that you had used it for optics.

    3. I have solved optics part only of that book . No of ques in modern phy is quite large while quality is not very good..

  2. did you solve the 4 extra books shashi bhushan and ajit agarwal?

    1. Yes, but bcoz of corona (exam get postponed so i got more time...)

    2. Did you solve all the jee relevant questions of Irodov or did you just solve few of them?

    3. I had solved all JEE relevant .....
      I also got 4-5 months extra time because of covid.... so, I had solved quite large no. of questions...

  3. are those extra books really required?

  4. Bhaiya if I just solve Illustrations, CAE & Solved Examples of Cengage in Physics, NOT THE BACK EXERCISE AND NOT EVEN MY COACHING MATERIAL AND HCV, will it be sufficient for a under 1000 rank in JEE Advanced. I AM PLANNING TO DO NOTHING ELSE (IRODOV IF I GET TIME AFTER COMPLETING MY SYLLABUS IN DECEMBER)

    Pls tell as my Coaching Material of FIITJEE is not very good and also I do not have enough time to solve the entire Cengage, and therefore cannot afford to attempt the Back Exercises.

    Pls Answer and do not ignore Bhaiya.....!!

    1. Bro, I am also FIITJEE student, problems here are very tough compared to cengage book with many concepts not in cengage book itself for solving. But theory is worst in the Fiitjee material that is the main reason why Fiitjee students are struggling like me and you. If anyone can help in advicing us, I would be very grateful for it.

    2. Yes, that is why I am asking Bhaiya to help....!!


    3. Actually, I have one assignment & one test today....
      See the level of questions in FIITJEE is quite high....So, U don't need to get demotivated if u are unable to solve them....
      Start solving illustrations of cengage & then try to solve some of them by ur own.....
      "Quality of study matter more than Quantity"
      So, try to solve as much questions as u can(also try to increase ur pace slowly day by day)....
      Physics needs interest to "feel" how the things are happening & so that u can apply ur knowledge on problems....
      So, try to enjoy it.... So, start with Cengage(do illustrations only) & if u have time(in case u are not much confident) u can solve last 10-15 questions of HCV..
      Later on, when u are confident, give a look over FIITJEE material & I m sure that u can solve atleast few of them.....
      From next time, if u have any queries, kindly wait for 1-2 days.....
      I m quite busy with assignments/tests/tutorials nowadays....
      Still I try to visit my blog once in 1-2 days...
      U can understand my situation after giving a look on time at which I am replying u....

    4. Solving all those stuffs which u have mentioned in first message is more than sufficient!!!

  5. Bhaiya, if I am aiming for a top rank than by which month should my JEE syllabus be ideally completed provided I am not revising class 11th before class 12th and will directly start revision after long time after my JEE syllabus is completed.....??

    So, pls tell accordingly that by which month should I complete my syllabus such that I get sufficient time to revise entire class 11th and 12th before JEE Mains 2022 January attempt and second time before JEE Adv. 2022....!!

    Pls reply Bhaiya.....

    1. I advise u to spent about 1 hr daily for revision of class 11 topics...
      Otherwise u might feel difficulty in understanding class 12th topics after 4-5 months.....
      If u follow this , then if u complete ur syllabus by december, then it will be fine...
      Mine syllabus was also finished about 10/12/2019.......
      If u don't follow, then u should cover it till november...

    2. Bhaiya pls also tell that how to revise in that 1 hour everyday....??

    3. Bhaiya by December, did you finish your class 11th revision only or revision of both class 11th & 12th....???

    4. @AJ It depends solely on u. Make a list of topics which u want to revise , which u feel that u haven't studied for long time or u are having some difficulty in it. Then continue doing it..... Once, u have completed it, there might be some more topics which were not present in ur list & now u need to revise them.... So, make a new list...
      So, this process will go on till ur real JEE & by this, u ensure that at any time before JEE(like tests in ur coaching or just solving mock tests available in this blog), u remember each & every concept & also how to apply it... This will boost ur confidence & will surely help u in real JEE

    5. @Unknown My syllabus was finished by december........ not revision

    6. Bhaiya, so you finished your syllabus by 10th Dec, after that how did you revise....??

  6. Also Bhaiya, if I finish my syllabus by about 20th Dec, then will I be left with enough time to revise my entire syllabus of 2 years & also give mock tests....??

    1. Provided I am aiming for a under 600 rank

    2. As stated earlier, I used to revise daily prev topics so, I didn't have to revise whole syllabus as such....
      Besides, giving mock tests is also part of revision...
      Also, read prev comments once again...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Bhaiya I am doing Reso material and Illustrations + CAE + Solved Examples of Cengage for just Mechanics 2 & Optics, is it sufficient for a under 900 rank.....???

    1. yes it is.. also try to give mock tests after ur syllabus is finished..

  9. Bhaiya for physics, which would be better, DC Pandey or Cengage ?

    1. I found cengage better as it covers almost all topics & theory given in it is also very useful & it covers all standard problems from irodov,HCV,etc.

    2. Bhaiya, Can you please suggest any book for maths and the method to solve that book ..

    3. Check out this post :


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